文章最後更新於 2024 年 8 月 3 日
公民面試跟綠卡面試最大的差異是要考美國的歷史地理題跟自己填寫的N-400表格內容,官方稱作英文能力,其實考題算是固定,因為線上也有官方提供的問題與解答 Naturalization Test and Study Resources ,只是…..要花時間準備。
官方公布的考試內容 Naturalization Test and Study Resources
- 詢問申請者填答的N-400表格內容跟名詞解釋。
- 請申請者大聲唸一段文字。(3句中需答對1句)
- 請申請者寫下考官唸的一段文字。(3句中需寫對1句,一般來說這段文字會是前一項的答案)


- Last four numbers of your SSN:OOXX (如果全部記住更好)
- Height and weights:I’m 5,1 (five, one) and 110 (100 and 10) lbs
- I’m a stay-at-home mother. (全職媽媽)
- Outside US Days: 拿到綠卡前/拿到綠卡後 (因為我申請時還沒有滿5年,在系統裡只能填5年的旅行紀錄,所以看起來前面的年份在美國境外的時間很多,但實際上是還沒結婚啊!)
- How many trips?(按N-400表格填寫內容回答)
- 最近一次旅行日期:We left on 日期, and came back on
- Where did you get marry? City hall
- When your spouse becomes a us citizen?
- 取得綠卡多久:4 and a half years
- 兒子跟自己的關係:He is my biological child.
- 報稅情形:We file our taxes jointly every year on time.
- 為何申請公民?Because I am a permanent resident and I live in the United States.
- Owe 欠錢
- Tax return 所得稅申報表
- Overthrow 推翻 = to remove a government by force.
- Persecute 迫害 = To hurt someone badly because of religious or political beliefs.
- Genocide 種族滅絕 = To kill a group of people because of their religion or race.
- Paramilitary unit = A group that acts like the military but is not official
- Self-defense unit = A group that protects a community using weapons
- Vigilante unit = A group of people who act like the police but are not real police.
- Rebel group = A group that fights a government
- Guerrilla group = A group that uses weapons to fight a government
- Militia 民兵 = An army that is not official
- Insurgent organization = A group that uses weapons to fight a government
- Prison/Jail = A place where the police keep people who have been arrested
- Prison camp 戰俘營 = a camp for prisoners of war or political prisoners
- Detention facility = a place where people are forced to stay.
- Labor camp = A place where people are forced to work.
- Recruit = To ask
- Enlist = To sign up
- Conscript = To require
- Combat = To fight in a war
- Offense = minor crime
- Cited = given a ticket by the police
- Detained = taken to jail by the police
- Charged = The police formally tells you that you did something illegal
- Convicted= Found guilty of a crime under the law
- Paroled 假釋 = A form of early release of a prison inmate
- habitual drunkard = alcoholic
- Prostitute 性交易者 = someone who has sex for money
- Procure 鼓勵
- Smuggle = to bring something illegally into the country.
- Controlled substances = drugs regulated by the government.
- Narcotics = illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine.
- Illegal gambling = to play a game for money that is not allowed under the law.
- Dependent = Someone who is relying on another person financially
- Alimony = to give money to an ex-spouse after a divorce
- Fraudulent = to claim something that is not true.
- Misrepresentation = lying about who you are or something you did
- Public benefit = Money from the government such as food stamps
- Constitution = It’s the supreme law of the land.
- Form of government = republic
- Oath of allegiance = it’s a promise to be loyal to the United States.
- Noncombatant service 協助上戰場以外的工作 ex, Cooking, translation for the soldiers, etc.
- National importance 協助重要災害的工作 ex, passing out the water with Red Cross
- Civilian = anyone who is not in the military.
官網完整100題:100 Civics Questions and Answers (English) (PDF, 368.79 KB)
20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now?
這題答案各州不同,我住在加州,目前的是 Alex Padilla (D) 跟 Laphonza R. Butler (D)。

23. Name your U.S. Representative.
這題答案各區不同,官網右上角可用zip code查詢自己所在州的眾議員:house.gov。
28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?*
- Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
- Joe Biden
- Biden
29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
- Kamala D. Harris
- Kamala Harris
- Harris
39. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?
- nine (9)
40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?
- John Roberts
- John G. Roberts, Jr.
43. Who is the Governor of your state now?
各州答案不同,我住在加州,目前的是 Gavin Newsom。
官往可查詢所在州的州長:usa.gov/states-and-territories 。
46. What is the political party of the President now?
- Democratic (Party)
47. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
- Mike Johnson
- Johnson
- James Michael Johnson (birth name)
100. Name two national U.S. holidays.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents’ Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
Declaration of Independence 1776
- Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston wrote it.
- 7/4/1776 adopted.
- The reasons: freedom, high taxes.
- Two rights in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Constitution was written in 1787 (constitution convention)
- The founding fathers wrote the constitution (Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston)
- Who wrote Federal Papers to support the Constitution: James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Joy, Publius.
Wars and Events in the 1800s
- War of 1812
- Mexican–American War 1846-1848
- The Civil war 1861-1865 (North and South War = the war between the states)
- The reasons: slavery, economic reasons, state’s right
- President Abraham Lincoln 1861
- Free the slaves (emancipation proclamation)
- Saved (or preserved) the union
- Led the United States during the war
- emancipation proclamation 解放奴隸宣言 1863
- Free the slaves
- Free slaves in the confederacy
- Free slaves in the confederate states
- Free slaves in most southern states
- Spanish–American War 1898
Wars and Events in the 1900s
- World War I 1914-1918
- President (Woodrow) Wilson 1913-1921
- Great depression 1929-1933
- World War II 1939 (vs Japan, Germany, and Italy)
- President (Franklin) Roosevelt 1933-1945
- Eisenhower was a general in World War II ( being president 1953-1961)
- Cold War 1947-1991
- Korean War 1950
- Civil right movement 1954-1968
- Martin Luther king, Jr
- Vietnam war 1955
- (Persian) Gulf War 1990-1991
President order
- George Washington
- John Adams( Adams was the second president.)
- Thomas Jefferson
64. There were 13 original states. Name three.
- Delaware
- New Hampshire
- Massachusetts
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
- New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- Maryland
- Virginia
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Georgia

88. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.
- Missouri (River)
- Mississippi (River)
91. Name one U.S. territory.
- Puerto Rico
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- American Samoa
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Guam
92. Name one state that borders Canada
- Maine
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- New York
- Pennsylania
- Ohio
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- Montana
- Idaho
- Washington
- Alaska

93. Name one state that borders Mexico.
- California
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- Texas
- January: New Year’s Day
- February: President’s day
- May: Memorial Day
- June: Flag Day
- July 4th: Independence Day
- September: Labor Day
- November: Thanksgiving / Vote for the president
- December: Christmas
6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?
speech, religion, assembly, press, and petition the government.
13. Name one branch or part of the government.
congress, legislative, president, executive, the courts, and judicial.
14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
Checks and balances.
36. What are two Cabinet-level positions?
- Secretary of Agriculture
- Secretary of Commerce
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of Education
- Secretary of Energy
- Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Secretary of Homeland Security
- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Secretary of the Interior
- Secretary of Labor
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of Transportation
- Secretary of the Treasury
- Secretary of Veterans Affairs
- Attorney General
37. What does the judicial branch do?
Reviews laws, Explains laws, Resolves disputes (disagreements), Decides if a law goes against the Constitution
49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
- serve on a jury
- vote in a federal election
50. Name one right only for United States citizens.
- vote in a federal election
- run for federal office
68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?
- U.S. diplomat
- oldest member of the Constitutional Convention
- first Postmaster General of the United States
- writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”
- started the first free libraries
87. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States
- Cherokee
- Navajo
- Sioux
- Chippewa
- Choctaw
- Pueblo
- Apache
- Iroquois
- Creek
- Blackfeet
- Seminole
- Cheyenne
- Arawak
- Shawnee
- Mohegan
- Huron
- Oneida
- Lakota
- Crow
- Teton
- Hopi
- Inuit
公民考試網上資源 Naturalization Test and Study Resources
App推薦:Citizen Now App
裡面包括100題跟N400內容,同時還有方便記憶的Flash cards、10題小測驗跟自己標註星星的題目(常錯複習用)。
Reading and Writing Test 也是用App反覆練習,因為是有關連的,不是太難記得。
這篇文章是我個人準備內容跟整理的筆記內容 Naturalization Test and Study Resources ,希望能幫助到需要準備公民考試的你!
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